If you struggle with a drug or alcohol use disorder, we’re here to help. Through our mental health services, we can connect you to counseling services or community resources.
Employee Assistance Program
(for full-time employees)
Bay Area Council on Drug and Alcohol
Bay Area Recovery Center
Memorial Hermann Prevention and Recovery Center (PaRC)
Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
State law prohibits individuals under 21 years of age from possessing or consuming alcoholic beverages.
College policy prohibits all employees (full-time,part-time faculty,and staff) and
students from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, sale,
possession, ingestion, or use of drugs or alcohol in the workplace, on College grounds,
in College vehicles, at College-related or sponsored activities regardless of location,
or while otherwise on duty. This policy prohibits all employees and students from
reporting to work, class, or a College activity (including College athletics) while
under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Finally, notwithstanding these prohibitions
on use of drugs or alcohol, the Chancellor is authorized to permit the use, service,
or consumption of alcohol for persons older than 21 at certain events.
Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are not prohibited when taken in standard
dosage or according to a physician’s prescription.
Employees who receive College funds for travel may not use the funds to buy alcoholic
For more information on College standards of conduct regarding drugs and alcohol,
please see the following on the Policies and Procedures page: (i) Policy III.3006.G, Prohibited Use of Drugs and Alcohol, (ii) Procedure
III.3006.G.a, Prohibited Use of Drugs and Alcohol, (iii) the Student Handbook and
Code of Conduct (applicable to all students) and (iv) the Athletic Handbook (applicable
to student athletes).
Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol is a primary and continuous depressant of the central nervous system. Impairment
of judgment and of recently learned, complex, and finely tuned skills begins to occur
at blood alcohol concentrations as low as 0.025 percent. These impairments are followed
by the loss of more primitive skills and functions, such as gross motor control and
orientation at concentrations in excess of 0.05 percent. Alcohol in moderate doses
impairs nearly every aspect of information processing, including the ability to abstract
and conceptualize, the ability to use large numbers of situational cues presented
simultaneously, and the cognitive ability to determine meaning from incoming information.
Alcohol consumption can therefore promote action on impulse without full appreciation
of, or concern about, the potential negative consequences of such action.
Chronic long-term effects of heavy drinking over a period of years can result in:
brain damage; cancer of the mouth, esophagus, or stomach; heart disease; liver damage
resulting in cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, and cancer of the liver; peptic ulcer
disease; and possible damage of the adrenal and pituitary glands. Prolonged, excessive
drinking can shorten lifespan by 10-12 years.
Illicit Drugs
Illicit drugs include narcotics, such as heroin or morphine; depressants, such as
barbiturates, Quaaludes, or Valium; stimulants, such as cocaine or “crack”; hallucinogens,
such as PCP, LSD, or mescaline; cannabis, such as marijuana or hashish; inhalants,
such as nitrous oxide, amyl nitrate (poppers), or various hydrocarbon solvents; and
designer drugs, such as China White, methamphetamine (Ecstasy), or meperidine (Demerol).
Narcotics initially produce a feeling of euphoria that is often followed by drowsiness,
nausea, and vomiting. Tolerance may develop rapidly and dependence is likely. The
use of contaminated syringes may result in diseases such as AIDS, endocarditis (inflammation
of the lining of the heart), and hepatitis.
The effects of depressants are in many ways similar to the effects of alcohol. Small
amounts can produce calmness and relaxed muscles but a somewhat larger dose can cause
slurred speech, ataxia, or unstable gait and altered perception. Very large doses
can cause respiratory depression, coma, and death. The combination of depressants
and alcohol can multiply the effects of the drugs, thereby increasing the risks. The
use of depressants can cause both physical and psychological dependence.
Cocaine stimulates the central nervous system. Its immediate effects include dilated
pupils, elevated blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate, and body temperature.
Occasional use can cause a stuffy or runny nose, while chronic use can ulcerate the
mucous membrane of the nose with long-term use eroding the nasal septum. The injection
of cocaine with unsterile equipment can cause AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases.
Preparation of freebase, which involves volatile solvents, can result in death or
injury from fire or explosion. Cocaine can produce psychological and physical dependency.
In addition, tolerance develops rapidly. Crack or freebase rock is extremely addictive.
The physical effects include dilated pupils, increased pulse rate, elevated blood
pressure, insomnia, loss of appetite, tactile hallucinations, paranoia, and seizures.
Overdoses occur easily.
Phencyclidine (PCP) users frequently report a sense of distance and estrangement.
Time and body movement are slowed down. Muscular coordination worsens and senses are
dulled. Speech is blocked and incoherent. Chronic PCP users report persistent memory
problems and speech difficulties. Mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and
violent behavior, may also occur. In late stages of chronic use, users often exhibit
paranoid and violent behavior and experience hallucinations. Large doses may produce
convulsions and coma, heart failure, lung problems, and/or ruptured blood vessels
in the brain. Lysergic acid (LSD), mescaline, and psilocybin cause illusions and hallucinations.
The physical effects may include dilated pupils, elevated body temperature, increased
heart rate and blood pressure, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, and tremors. Sensations
and feelings may change rapidly. It is common to have a bad psychological reaction
to LSD, mescaline and psilocybin. The user may experience panic, confusion, suspicion,
anxiety and loss of control. Delayed effects or flashbacks can occur even after use
has ceased.
The chemicals in most inhalants are rapidly absorbed in the lungs and exert their
central nervous system effects within seconds, producing an altered mental state for
about five to fifteen minutes. Immediate effects of inhalants include nausea, sneezing,
coughing, nose bleeds, fatigue, lack of coordination, and loss of appetite. Solvents
and aerosol sprays can decrease the heart and respiratory rates and impair judgment.
Amyl and butyl nitrate can cause rapid pulse, headaches, and involuntary passing of
urine and feces.
Inhalation of toluene as well as other hydrocarbons has been associated with kidney
and liver damage, peripheral nerve problems, convulsions, encephalopathy (organ brain
damage), and other central nervous system disorders. Sudden death associated with
both glue sniffing and especially the inhalation of aerosols containing halogenated
hydrocarbons (Freon) has been reported and is thought to be secondary to cardiac arrhythmias
(abnormal electrical conduction patterns in the heart).
The short-term effects of marijuana include distortion of time perception, increased
heart rate, dilation of blood vessels, and loss of short-term memory. It can also
cause decreased visual perception and psychomotor skills, which have adverse effects
on driving ability. The effects of long-term use include loss of motivation, chronic
bronchitis, decreased vital lung capacity, and an increased risk of lung cancer. Tolerance
and psychological dependence do develop with marijuana.
Designer Drugs and Other Drugs of Concern
Designer drugs are synthetic chemical modifications of older drugs of abuse that are
designed and manufactured in covert laboratories and sold at great profit for recreational
use. These drugs can be several hundred to several thousand times stronger than the
drugs they are designed to imitate. Designer drugs similar to opiates include fentanyl,
Demerol, and “China White.” The narcotic analogs of designer drugs can cause symptoms
such as those seen in Parkinson’s disease: uncontrollable tremors, drooling, impaired
speech, paralysis, and irreversible brain damage. Analogs of amphetamines and methamphetamines
cause blurred vision, chills or sweating, and faintness. Psychological effects include
anxiety, irritability, depression, and paranoia. Withdrawal problems include sweating,
diarrhea, fever, insomnia, irritability, nausea and vomiting, and muscle and joint
Some substances are not currently controlled by the Controlled Substances Act but
still pose a risk to individuals who abuse them. The drugs include but are not limited
to bath salts or designer cathinones (synthetic stimulants), DXM (a cough suppressor),
and Salvia Divinorum (an herb abused for its hallucinogenic effects). Use of synthetic
stimulants may cause agitation, insomnia, irritability, dizziness, depression, paranoia,
delusions, suicidal thoughts, seizures, or panic attacks. Use of DXM may cause confusion,
agitation, paranoia, or hallucinations. Over-the-counter products that contain DXM
often contain other ingredients that have their own effects, such as liver damage,
rapid heart rate, lack of coordination, vomiting, seizures, or coma. Use of salvia
divinorum may cause loss of coordination, dizziness, or slurred speech.
General Disciplinary Procedure: In all cases of alleged violations of public law or
student life policies, the College reserves the right to review the allegations and
exercise disciplinary sanctions (if any) in addition to any proceedings that occur
as a matter of public law. Disciplinary sanctions include, but are not limited to,
reprimand, probation, suspension, or expulsion.
Section 3.9 of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the subject of drugs and alcohol.
The College will investigate all reported violations and will exercise professional
judgment in the imposition of sanctions in accordance with the College’s prescribed
disciplinary procedures. Students may receive College sanctions, criminal sanctions,
or both. Disciplinary sanctions include, but are not limited to, reprimand, probation,
suspension, or expulsion.
The use, possession, or distribution of alcohol by any person, regardless of age,
is strictly prohibited on College property. Alcohol usage is likewise prohibited at
any off-campus activity when such activity, or the student’s participation therein,
is under the sponsorship of the College or a student organization recognized by the
Controlled Substances
The unlawful use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances by any person
on college property is strictly prohibited. The College’s policy also applies to students
participating in off-campus activities when the activity itself, or the student’s
participation, is under the sponsorship of the College or a student organization recognized
by the College.
Students determined to be in violation of this regulation are subject to severe disciplinary
sanctions which include permanent suspension from the College. When such violations
also constitute violations of public law, charges will be filed by the College for
prosecution by the appropriate law enforcement agency. Under public law, conviction
for the unlawful use, possession, or distribution of illicit drugs is punishable by
fine, imprisonment, or both.
Observance of the policy regarding alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs is a condition
of employment for all College employees. An employee violating this policy shall be
subject to employment discipline up to and including termination, or shall be required
to undergo satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation
Any employee directly engaged in the performance of work pursuant to the provision
of a federal grant or contract who is convicted of violating a criminal drug statute
shall notify his or her immediate supervisor of the conviction no later than five
days after the conviction. The immediate supervisor shall promptly report the conviction
to the appropriate SLT member and to the Vice Chancellor, Human Resources. On behalf
of the College the Vice Chancellor, Human Resources shall notify the federal agency
grantor or contractor of the conviction within ten days of the College’s receipt of
notice from the employee or of receipt of other actual notice.
Board Policy IV-C-7 addresses the circumstances under which employees may be tested
for unlawful use of drugs and alcohol. Find these documents on the Policies and Procedures page.
In recognition of these increasing problems with alcohol and substance abuse, education
has been, and will continue to be, the primary focus of the College’s efforts. Providing
honest, factual information through organized educational programs will help people
make reasonable decisions regarding the use of chemical substances. This includes
information about illegal substances and their effects, and about the establishment
of responsible drinking behavior for those who choose to use alcoholic beverages.
Students who desire confidential assistance from the College in dealing with a perceived
alcohol or chemical substance abuse problem may self-refer for that assistance by
making an appointment with a counselor in the Educational Planning & Counseling Center. Although the College does not conduct
treatment or rehabilitation programs, College counselors are equipped to facilitate
referrals to appropriately qualified providers of treatment programs.
College employees with supervisory responsibilities must be aware of employee behavior
related to unacceptable job performance that may result from drug or alcohol abuse.
Assistance beyond preliminary counseling through the employee assistance program is
available to College employees through the College’s group health insurance program.
Alcohol and drug abuse seminars are among the services provided cost-free to College
employees. Other services for employees with a chemical dependency are available in
the community, including private practitioners offering individual counseling, self-help
groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, and patient/outpatient
treatment at various health care facilities.
It is the intent of San Jacinto College to strive for a drug-free district and to
comply with state and federal regulations regarding prevention programs established
to eliminate the illegal use of drugs and alcohol abuse. In addition, the College
will conduct a biennial review of this program implemented to provide a learning and
working environment free of unlawful drug use and alcohol abuse. The purpose of the
biennial review will be to: (1) determine the effectiveness of the program and implement
needed changes; and (2) ensure that the sanctions included in the program are consistently
enforced. The Vice Chancellor, Human Resources will be responsible for initiating
the biennial review.
Offense: Possession, provision, sale, barter, production, manufacture, or distribution of any illicit synthetic drug
Offense: Offering, displaying, marketing, or advertising for sale any illicit synthetic drug
Offense: Purchasing with the intent to provide, sell, barter, produce, manufacture, or distribute any illicit synthetic drug
Offense: Failure to publicly display or label herbal incense
Offense: Solicitation to purchase or acquire a controlled substance, controlled substance analogue, dangerous drug or volatile chemical
Offense: Possession of salvia divinorum
San Jac is a smoke-free and tobacco-free college, except in designated areas. This
includes smoking and vaping.
"Smoking" means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or vaporizing. It also includes using
liquid nicotine, electronic devices, and any form of tobacco — synthetic or other
plant-based substances.
"Tobacco Products" means all forms of tobacco and nicotine-delivery devices including,
but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes, and electronic and smokeless
tobacco products, including liquid nicotine and chewing tobacco. This does not apply
to smoking cessation items such as chewing gum, patches, or medication.
For more details, reference the tobacco policy and procedures.
Designated smoking areas:
Central Campus
Generation Park Campus
Maritime Campus
North Campus
South Campus